Monday, December 20, 2010

The Elusive Little Klickitat

I have been waiting to get on the Little Klickitat for years. After spending a couple days watching the gauges rise and everything turn to red HIGH, I knew my time had come. This gem of a run only comes in about once a year and is tricky to catch.

Having faith that it would rise a little more over night, Nick Jacob and I made a plan and put together a solid crew. Despite doubt from a few, we got up early and headed out. We checked the level at the take out, deciding that not only was it not low, it was higher than anyone in the crew had seen it. Yippee!!

The run started out small, weaving through brush and farmlands. This didn't last long, however, as we were soon dropping into a beautiful gorge with steep, fun rapids.

Kate, Classic Little Klickitat
Photo: Andy McMurray
John McConville in One of the Many Boulder Gardens
Photo: Andy McMurray
Nick Jacob Cruising Toward a Sweet Line
Photo: Andy McMurray
Heather Herbeck Killing It
Photo: Andy McMurray
Nate Herbeck With a Monster Boof
Photo: Andy McMurray

Nate also put together this sweet little video. The first half is the Little Klickitat, followed by Hagen Gorge (another of my favorite runs).

Strewn with boulder gardens, ledges, and a waterfall, this river has a little of everything! The paddle out even had a nice boogie to it. I can't wait to catch it five more years! :)

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