Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nature Connections

Drew Eastman and I recently had the opportunity to work with photographer Tim McGuire and his project to create images of people in their connection with nature. I was intrigued by his idea after reading this excerpt from his blog because I can completely relate:

"While I very much appreciate the variety, convenience, and creative energy of the city, nature has always been my “church”, so to speak. The moments in my life when I’ve felt the most “in the moment”, spiritual, and/or alive, have always happened while exploring the natural world. These moments are at the core of who I am: such moments motivate and inspire me as a person and a visual artist . . .

Those moments are why I get outside into the natural world. That is what inspires me and makes me feel alive and connected. I imagine it is the same for many others."

I have always had a deep love and respect for the outdoors, and as a kayaker I've found my strongest connect with the environment through water. There is something about the element that is motivating, thrilling, inspiring and calming all at once. I am definitely happiest and feeling most alive when I am on the river. It is a connection powerful enough to influence how I have chosen to live my life, so that I can always be surrounded by water.

This relationship is vivid in Tim's images of Drew and I, taken on the SF Snoqualmie River, WA. For more photos of HUMAN NATURE connections, check out Tim's blog:

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