Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Girls of the Gorge

This month I've joined team Girls of the Gorge to compete in a 32-day kayaking event called the Eddy Flower Vertical Challenge. My team members are four very motivated women from the Columbia River Gorge: Heather Herbeck, Monica Gokey, Susan Hollingsworth and Kate Wagner.

From May 15th to June 15th we are competing with teams across the nation to determine who can paddle the most vertical feet of whitewater, while raising money and awareness for cancer survivors. All donations benefit First Descents, a incredible non-profit organization that provides outdoor therapy adventures for young adults who have battled cancer.

This is my 4th year competing in the Eddy Flower Vertical Challenge. I look forward this event every year because it is great motivation to go out and push myself while doing what I love and supporting a great cause. Kayaking has definitely brought a lot of happiness and satisfaction to my life and it feels really good to help other people find that outlet.

The young adult cancer population, (ages 18-39) is the most underserved population within the cancer world and the programs that First Descents provides free of charge play a key role in a cancer survivors emotional, psychological and physical healing. It costs First Descents approximately $1,000 per camper for a one week session and donations will go directly toward providing these much needed programs to a very deserving group of people.

Team Girls of the Gorge is only $100 away from our goal of sending one camper to First Descents! Please help us reach that goal by donating online at:

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